Every student is expected to be properly dressed in full College uniform at all times.
Wearing a uniform fosters a sense of belonging and school spirit. It encourages students to take pride in their school, creating a cohesive and inclusive community.
No variations in uniform are permitted and we expect that students will be well groomed at all times.
Extreme hairstyles and excessive jewellery and accessories are not permitted. Students are supplied with clear guidelines about these items in their school diary. Oversize shirts or trousers are also not acceptable.
![Sample images of the St John Paul II Catholic College Schofields uniform](-/media/16FCD9C37DB84CB5B088229B74B5FF21.ashx)
College Winter Uniform Girls
- College navy blue blazer worn to and from school
(Year 7, 2024 onwards, unisex blazer with red trim)
- College long sleeved white blouse
- College tie
- College skirt (knee length or longer)
OR College girl pants
- College red jumper (must be worn with blazer)
- Black or navy blue opaque stockings
College Winter Uniform Boys
- College navy blue blazer worn to and from school
(Year 7, 2024 onwards, unisex blazer with red trim)
- College long sleeved white shirt
- College tie
- Approved grey serge school trousers from uniform shop (no jeans or casual styles)
- College red jumper (Must be worn with blazer)
- Plain flat, black leather or synthetic belt of correct size with plain buckle.
- Plain short grey socks
College Summer Uniform Girls
- Summer Dress (knee length or longer)
- College red jumper
- Plain short white socks above the ankle
College Summer Uniform Boys
- College short sleeved, white open neck shirt with logo on pocket
- Grey school shorts or grey serge school trousers
- College red jumper
- Plain, flat, black leather or synthetic belt of correct size with plain buckle
- Plain short grey socks
Sports Uniform Girls
(To be worn on Sport days and during timetabled PE or practical only. Not to be mixed with College uniform)
- College sports shorts
- College sports shirt with crest and House badge
- College track suit
- Laced cross trainer sport
- Plain short white socks above the ankle
- College cap MUST be worn for ALL outdoor activities throughout the year
Sports Uniform Boys
(To be worn on Sport days and during timetabled PE or practical only. Not to be mixed with College uniform)
- College sports shorts
- College sports shirt with crest and House badge
- College track suit
- Laced cross trainer sport shoes
- Plain short white socks above the ankle
- College cap MUST be worn for ALL outdoor activities throughout the year
Accessories Girls
Chains: One only - silver or gold, plain or with a small Christian medal or cross. To be worn below the shirt or blouse neckline.
Earrings: One pair of small plain studs OR small hoops or sleepers in the ear lobes. A small inconspicuous watch permitted. No coloured wrist bands or bracelets
Grooming: Make up, acrylics/nail polish not permitted. Acrylics cannot be worn for any physical activity. Facial jewellery including lash extensions are also not part of our uniform.
Rings: One plain signet ring or other narrow ring only.
Wrist: A watch is permitted. No coloured wristbands or bracelets. Smart watches are not
permitted in exams.
Accessories Boys
Chains: One only - silver or gold, plain or with a small Christian medal or cross. To be worn below the shirt or blouse neckline
Earrings: None.
Grooming: Boys must be clean shaven. No make- up or nail polish permitted.
Rings: One plain signet ring or other narrow ring only
Wrist: A small inconspicuous watch permitted. No coloured wrist bands or bracelets