At St John Paul II Catholic College, we prepare students to meet the demands of the digital world. Through effective use of technology in the classroom, student participate in purposeful and engaging educational experiences.
Our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program extends the learning environment beyond the physical constraints of the classroom. Students can easily share their experiences, collaborate with peers, and work across subject areas.

Parent information
About the BYOD program
Learning experiences at St John Paul II have been developed around the use of student's learning devices. It is therefore mandatory to purchase a device for the student's education.
Students cannot share devices as the device must be available exclusively to each student child at any point during the school day.
Families experiencing financial hardship can contact the school to discuss their options.
Year 7-12 MacBook options and specifications
Any MacBook or MacBook Air currently available on the market is well within the acceptable bounds of purchase.
We recommend the 13 inch MacBook Air or MacBook Pro 13 inch.
If purchasing a second-hand device, any MacBook from 2022 onward is acceptable.
Purchasing information
Year 7-12 MacBook program
Apple offers special pricing for Parramatta Catholic school families. You can purchase Macbooks via our online portal created in partnership with Apple.
Purchase Macbooks (Apple/CSPD)
Families can also visit their local Apple Store and letting them know that they are from Parramatta Catholic School to receive the same discounted prices.
Apple Store Castle Towers
Phone: 02 8864 0820
Apple Store Penrith
Phone: 02 4702 9420
You can also contact Apple via the contact centre: 133-622.