If you have any questions concerning the payment of school fees please contact St John Paul II by phone on 9208 7200 weekdays during school hours.
We understand the financial demands placed on household budgets and we are committed to keeping fees as low as possible.
No child who meets the enrolment criteria will be refused enrolment or disadvantaged because of a family’s financial circumstance.
Here’s how we can help
Making Catholic education more affordable
Bishop Manning Support Fund
We offer full or part financial support for families for whom the cost of a Catholic education is out of reach.
Conditions apply
Byallawa Co-contribution Scheme
Did you know we offer fee support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families?
Conditions apply
Families unable to pay school fees because of financial hardship are encouraged to approach their principal. Your situation will be treated confidentially, with care and sensitivity.
Everyone is welcome in our Catholic schools.