On Friday, 15 September, the whole StJPII College and community gathered for our biggest day of the year - StJPII Terra Sancta Day!
The Day is a College tradition that has continued for many years, celebrating the Year 12 students who have made their way to the end of their high school life as well as celebrating the amazing community that we share at St John Paul II Catholic College.
The day began with the Year 12 Graduation Mass, where the Year 12 students processed down the same footpath they once walked up 6 years ago on their first day of Year 7, to meet the rest of the College community for their farewell. The Mass included the traditional aboriginal smoking ceremony as the Year 12 students processed into the area.
Following the Mass was the introduction and blessing of the new 2017/2018 Student Representative Council and handing over of the Year 12 gift. This year the graduating class of 2017 gifted a newly built BBQ to the Nirimba Campus where they often shared BBQs for celebrations and community events. The permanent BBQ will display a plaque remembering the graduating class of 2017 and be an area for many meals and celebrations in the future.
The end of Mass and formalities led Year 12 students to a gathering to share morning tea with their families, where students took many photos with all of their friends as they come to their last days at the College and the College Leaders cut the 2017 graduation cake.
The rest of the day continued with carnival rides, ice-cream, fairy floss, snow cones, Year 10 Commerce food stalls, sports with the teachers and the annual College Talent Show!
St JPII Terra Sancta Day was a very memorable day for all the students and staff, but more so for the Year 12 students. It was definitely an emotional experience as they visited the campus where they first began their high school life, met teachers that led them through the years once again and enjoyed their last ever StJPII Terra Sancta Day. The day does not only bring the College community together and it is a time for everyone to sit back, have fun and appreciate what we have here as a family.
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